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Adding functionality to the image extension in tiptap 2 and Vue 3

May 7, 2021

Source code Demo I love the tiptap WYSIWYG editor (based on ProseMirror) and have used v1 in lots of Laravel/Vue projects. Personally, I find the sweet spot for tiptap is where I want to provide...

Mitigate cross-origin isolation requirements for SharedArrayBuffer with Cloudflare workers

May 4, 2021

If you're responsible for a product serving a third party JavaScript widget onto client sites, you may be running into some warnings in devtools, or your clients might have been reaching out to you...

Setup Umami self-hosted analytics using Laravel Forge

April 15, 2021

Many of us are loooking to move away from Google Analytics where possible. Reasons for doing so include: Data privacy concerns Avoiding cookie warnings Seeking a simpler UI to share with...

Fix "JWT payload does not contain the required claims" in Laravel

March 30, 2021

tl;dr remove exp claim when disabling TTL A quick post about configuring the tymon/jwt-auth package in Laravel. It's a fairly common use case to set the JWTs to never expire, and then manually...

Defer Laravel email verification

March 20, 2021

If you're using Laravel, there's a good chance you're also using the built in email verification feature. It requires that a new user clicks an email link before being able to access routes protected...

Fix SignatureDoesNotMatch error on S3 direct upload

March 15, 2021

AWS S3* presigned URLs are great for uploading user files to a bucket without it having to pass through your server. * Or any S3 compatible API, in my case I was using Linode Object Storage I'd...